Dot Zero Six

22 SEPT 2023
Dotzerosix (.06) is a creative duo formed by Tania Cortés and Oscar Bahamonde, artists trained in music, sound, music production and multimedia. This duo generates audiovisual experienc es based on the exploration of diverse tools and perspectives.
They also build some of their gear and program their work to sculpt their minimalist and glitch aesthetic. Their main languages are sound and visual art, and music.
Dotzerosix has created audiovisual installations and multimedia performances for festivals like , Hausmann 9.0 (2019, Ecuador), Never Knows Better Exhibition (2020, USA), Festival Expresiones Contemporáneas (2021, Mexico), LaTam Festival (2021, France), Créartup Festival (2021, France) y Traces of The Future – International Exhibition (2021, Poland), Ciudad Glitch (2023, Spain), Sound No Sound (2023, Spain), JIM (2023, France).
In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence has reached several fields, including, most extensively, surveillance systems. Algorithms trained from massively collected data from digital cities are able to recognise – categorise – faces, people and identities, with recognise – categorise faces, people and identities, in order to evaluate – judge – (potential) actions within prohibited (potential) actions within prohibitive and punitive systems.
Boatnoa is an immersive audiovisual piece, composed and performed by the duo dotzerosix, which represents the modern conditions of the city. Through the collection methods and digital digital collection methods and processes used, the artists comment on the pervasive activities and attitudes and attitudes facilitated by digital devices and their quality as “black boxes”, whose functioning as “black boxes”, whose functioning is designed to be kept far from the understanding of people. people’s understanding.