22 SEPT 2023
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Presentation of the Official Master’s Degree in Interactive Design of the EASD València (@master_interactivo_easdv)

The user as the beginning and end of interactive haptic designs.

Moderators: Juanma Gil y Pablo Moreno

Olimpia Alarcón Cámara (@olimpiaac)
Digital product designer and mentor Trenca-Dis, a not-for-profit association committed to dyslexia and other SLD (Specific Learning Difficulties). The aim of this master’s thesis “Epalexia: a project on empathy and dyslexia” is to design and prototype an experience that can be used to communicate what dyslexia is and that allows neurotypical people to empathise with dyslexia and learning disabilities.

Jorge Ferrer Alberola (@jorgeferrer98)
Graphic and interactive designer, will present his project “Improving in basketball through technology”, which deals with improving the shooting mechanics of basketball players to improve their free throw percentage through technological elements such as the Kinect, software programmes such as TouchDesigner and analysis and statistics tools.

Juanma Gil (@_juanmagil )
Is a researcher in interactive experiences. He currently coordinates the Master in Interactive Design. He presents his work “Digital Panopticon” where he experiments with how the visitor relates to the gaze of others: we feel intimidated or we seek to be seen, to capture the attention of the gazes closest to others. Or perhaps we prefer to watch the game from the outside. If no one enters the game then the system – we – could at last rest

Instalation de Juanma Gil “Panóptico Digital”